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Shiller P/E ratio is still far away from lows in the past


Global stocks ex-US are trading at a 20-year low


Normalized Composite Value Spread


Relative Valuation (Value/Growth) US, International and Emerging Markets


The strength and duration of bull and bear markets have varied significantly


The highest-valued startups in the world

The highest-valued startups in the world.png

P/E breakpoints based on Fama French data depicting the gap in P/E ratios between growth and value stocks

P to E breakpoints based on Fama French data depicting the gap in P to E ratios between growth and value stocks.png

The Buffett indicator - corporate equities to GDP

The buffett indicator - corporate equities to GDP.png

Real S&P composite - 1871 to present with P/E 10 ratio

Real S&P composite - 1871 to present with P:E10 ratio.png

P/E 10 ratios by percentile

P:E 10 ratios by percentile.png

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