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Asset Allocation

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Allocations to Alternatives by Investor Type

Chart 75.png

Asset Allocation by Type of Allocator

Chart 73.png

Impact of Rebalancing on a 60/40 Portfolio

Chart 72.png

US Households' Aggregate Financial Asset Allocation

Chart 69.png

Pension Fund Asset Allocation by Class

Chart 54.png

Bond-Equity Correlation at Extreme Levels

Chart 15.png

Consensus 10-Year Asset Class Return & Risk Forecast

Chart 9.png

Asset Class Drawdowns Over Last 20 Years

Chart 8.png

Estimated Pension Asset Allocation (Federal Reserve)

 экрана 2024-09-23 в 7.19.44 PM.png

Strategic asset allocation by family offices in the U.S. (UBS)

 экрана 2024-09-03 в 6.57.04 AM.png

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