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The S&P 500's Dividend Yield and the 2-Year Treasury Yield

The S&P 500's Dividend Yield and the 2-Year Treasury Yied.png

10-Year Annualized Real Rate of Total Return Since 1870

10-Year Annualized Real Rate of Total Return Since 1870.png

Personal Saving Rate & Debt-to-Annual-Income Ratio Since 1968

Personal Saving Rate & Debt-to-Annual-Income Ratio.png

U.S. Has Outperformed but Cycle May Be Turning

U.S. Has Outperformed but Cycle May Be Turning.png

U.S. Stocks vs. Bond Returns in Years with Negative Stock Returns, 1929-2017

U.S. Stocks vs. Bond Returns in Years with Negative Stock Returns, 1929-2017.png

Percentage of U.S. Equity Funds Outperformed by Benchmark


We Are Nearing the Longest 60/40 Bull Market Without a 10% Total Return Drawdown

We Are Nearing the Longest 60-40 Bull Market Without a 10% Total Return Drawdown.png

Value vs Growth (5 Year Rolling Value Performance)

Value vs Growth (5 Year Rolling Value Performance).png

U.S. Stocks Annualized Real Return (Over 20 Years) Vs. P/E Ratio

U.S. Stocks Annualized Real Return (Over 20 Years) Vs. PE Ratio.png

The Link Between Starting Valuations And Subsequent Returns

The Link Between Starting Valuations And Subsequent Retur.png

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