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U.S. vs. International Markets Performance Since 1969


Average Investor Underperforms Most Sectors and Markets


Range of Annual Returns, 1926-2013


Since 1928..


Is inflation stealing your future?

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Executive Summary


Will investing in Emerging Markets provide a comfortable retirement and more financial security?

The newsletter is at:


Executive Summary


Emerging Markets have:


. A growing middle class and domestic consumer

CSG-CRDS sur les revenus fonciers et les plus-values immobilières - la décision de la CJUE (Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenn

Depuis le vote de la seconde loi de finances rectificative en juillet 2012, les revenus fonciers et les plus-values immobilières de source française, perçus par les personnes domiciliées fiscalement hors de France, sont soumis aux prélèvements sociaux au taux global de 15,5 %.

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​La gestion d’actifs, l’assurance vie et le capital investissement sont concernés par FATCA

We Need Less Trading, Higher Fiduciary Bar

Jusqu’où l’euro peut-il baisser contre dollar?

How to Increase Your Returns with Tax-Savvy Investing

After market-risk and inflation-risk, which investors take great strides to mitigate through sound investment practices, taxation-risk presents the biggest obstacle to building wealth. A sound investment strategy not only seeks to generate returns on your capital, it also seeks to preserve as much of your capital as possible to keep it working for you.

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