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The Conference Board Leading Economic Indicator Since 1987

The Conference Board Leading Economic.png

The Year No One Made Money Since 1900

The Year No One Made Money.png

AAII Sentiment Survey %Bulls minus %Bears Since 1987

AAII Sentiment Survey .jpg

Major Asset Class Performance (%)

Major Asset Class Performance.png

Long Term We Are Still in a Secular Bull Market That Started in 2013, Since 1900

Long Term We Are Still in a Secular Bull Market.png

Cryptocurrency As of 12/31/18


30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate (Freddie Mac) Since 2011

30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rate.png

S&P 500_ Maximum Intra-Year Year Drawdown Since 1928

S&P 500 Maximum Intra-Year Year Drawdown Since 1928.png

S&P 500_ Number of Large Up and Down Days Since 1928

S&P 500 Number of Large Up and Down DaysSince 1928.png

S&P 500 Bear Markets Since 1929

S&P 500 Bear Markets Since 1929.png

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