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Your personal guide to peace of mind

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Your Personal Guide to Peace of Mind


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Choosing the right financial planner is an important decision. Due to the knowledge and time commitment required to effectively manage financial strategies, it is hard to complete alone.

We believe that ethical financial planners should place clients' interests ahead of their own interests, at all times, without exception. The investment approach should be highly disciplined, and based on academic research. Compensation should not only be transparent but also come from only one source: The client.


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  • BFM helps you make better, more informed financial decisions by giving straightforward and conflict-free diversified strategies to maximize asset growth and reduce downside risk.
  • BFM makes sure that you have enough assets for your entire life so that you can enjoy a comfortable retirement with a secured income.
  • BFM gives you a financial plan with personalized guidance to keep your portfolios on track with your goals. We neither sell any products nor get incentivized by specific sales. We don't have access to your accounts.
  • BFM will continue to monitor and adjust your financial plan as your needs and circumstances change. BFM offers you a positive investing experience. 
  • BFM provides comprehensive and focused financial planning services. 


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BFM holistically analyzes your entire financial life to create peace of mind. We help you identify your financial goals by understanding and analyzing your lifestyle.

We will help you see the big picture and show you how your plan will create a sustainable lifestyle in future years.


Find out more details on how we can help youWhy BFM is UNIQUE, our fee-only and transparent RETAINER pricing model*,  our fiduciary duties, the BFM process, and the founder’s credentials. Patrick manages $1.5 billion for more than 60,000 people. Prior to starting BFM, he was an analyst and portfolio manager at UBS Global Asset Management (Brinson Partners) for 10 years. He holds a Masters in Finance (Chicago), a Masters in Engineering (Paris), and is also a CFA Charterholder.

* "A man is incapable of comprehending any argument that interferes with his revenue."

René Descartes, 1650


The BFM Process

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We are thrilled about the opportunity to assist you with your financial planning needs and to become your personal CFO. We are confident that we can build a customized comprehensive strategy.  

BFM helps you diversify your wealth into selected mutual funds and ETFs after developing an effective asset allocation based on your risk profile. Your wealth will be well-diversified among domestic and foreign fixed income and equity funds, large, mid and small companies, value and growth styles, stable value investments, and real estate.

BFM also monitors your portfolio, your needs, the financial markets and mutual funds activity throughout the year. BFM makes recommendations to rebalance portfolios to maximize opportunities and reduce risk.


Our responsibilities to you are:

To act in a professional and ethical manner at all times and for your benefit only

To act with independence, objectivity, skill, competence, and diligence

To communicate with you in a timely and accurate manner

To help you build a solid financial foundation, and a framework for making better financial decisions

We encourage you to read an article about the distinction between brokers and advisors. We believe that the most important factors in selecting a good financial planner should be expertise, experience, and integrity. Please read our brochure to learn more about BFM's independent and objective services. You may also be interested in our compensation model and our Frequently Asked Questions.


The BFM questionnaire helps us to understand your objectives, your needs, your values, and what you would like to accomplish. It helps us create customized long-term strategies that will provide an income for life.


If you already work with a financial advisor, we offer a second opinion with objective recommendations. If you are managing your assets yourself, you may be interested in this article.


This newsletter was first published in January of 2014