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Happy New Year from BFM!

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Happy New Year from BFM!


Did you know that your vision can literally “trick” you whenever it can (click here)? That human attention is limited and that we can’t analyze all the information we receive (video here)? Find these and dozens of more tips in the attached.

As we begin a new cycle, the media may be pessimistic but we know that many people are optimistic about 2012 (U.S. Markets up close to 100% since March 2009; up 8 of the last 9 calendar years…). While optimism is certainly in the air, it’s also more important than ever to keep a level head about your investments.

That’s where our Best of BFM Newsletters comes in. Over the past two years we’ve carefully assembled practical tips you can use to help you make better, more informed financial decisions.

Investing money has never been a more demanding or sophisticated challenge. Wildly fluctuating markets, lack of fiduciary duty, and a huge number of new financial products have dramatically altered the investing game and made the aid of a financial planner a necessity. Managing the accounts of more than 60,000 individuals qualifies me to guide you through this investment jungle.

We at BFM want to sincerely thank all of our clients in the U.S., Europe and China. Thank you for your loyal support and business throughout the past three years. We truly enjoy working with every single one of you. Thank you for letting us be a small part of your life.


Market Update

Bull’s View:

-Sentiment is bearish

-The Fed is accommodative

-Job market and confidence are improving

-Interest rates are low

-Macroeconomic risks may be peaking

-Equities valuations are cheap

Bear’s View:

-European crisis

-Impaired credit market

-Excess housing supply

-Downward earnings revisions probable

-Corporate margins near all-time high

-Potential to increase debt ceiling again


The total return for the S&P 500 was +2.1% (total return) in 2011. If you missed the 3 best percentage gain days last year, the +2.1% gain falls to a 10.7% loss.

Since dropping to a bear market low on 3/09/09, the S&P 500 has gained +97.2% (total return) through 12/31/11.


This newsletter was first published in January of 2012